Following is a glossary of some terms used throughout this website
Bladder – The balloon shaped muscle inside the body that holds urine
Cystoscopy – Investigation that uses a telescope to look directly into the bladder
Daytime Frequency – Voiding urine seven or more times per day
Dysuria– Painful urination
Enuresis – Any involuntary loss of urine
Genuine Urinary Stress Incontinence (GUSI)– Urinary Stress Incontinence has been diagnosed through Urodynamic assessment and differs from stress incontinence, which is an undiagnosed symptom.
Gynaecologist– A doctor who treats women’s problems
Incontinence– Loss of bladder control, accidental leakage of urine, involuntary loss of urine
Leak Point Pressure– Part of specialised tests to determine at what external pressure incontinence occurs
Menopause– The time when a woman stops having her periods
Nocturia– Two or more night time voids
Nocturnal Enuresis– Incontinence during sleep
Pad Test– A test used to estimate amount of involuntary loss of urine over a given time
Pelvic Floor– Group of muscles acting as support for the pelvic organs and assisting in urinary and faecal continence
Pelvic Muscle Exercises – A way to strengthen the muscles that hold the urine in the bladder
Pessary – A special device placed in the vagina to support the bladder and prevent leakage
Stress Incontinence– Involuntary loss of urine during physical exertion
Urethra – A tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
Ureters– Tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder
Urine Flowmetry – The measurement of the rate of urine voiding
Urge Incontinence – The involuntary loss of urine associated with a strong desire to void (urgency)
Urinary Incontinence – The involuntary loss of urine, which is a social or hygienic problem
Urinate – To pass water, also called voiding or weeing
Urine – The water, containing wastes, that passes from the body
Urodynamics– Specialised tests of bladder function
Urogynecologist– A doctor who treats women’s bladder and urine problems
Urologist – A doctor who treats people with bladder or urine problems
Vagina – In a woman’s body, a tube connecting the womb to the outside of the body, also called the birth canal